Russia. Vladimir Putin flies a MIG to Chechnya to meet soldiers during the Presidental Election. Cool! Topol. Sputnik - The Slavs start the race for the Cosmos. The proud Pan-Slavic colors of Russia over flattened Grozny, victory! Grozny - XA XA XA XA XA XA!!! The elite Spetsnaz fix up this Chechen massmurderer good! Russian Victory in Chechnya. General Aleksei Petrovich Ermolov, conquered Chechnya. A true Russian hero! Puny Germans, thinks the Slav pointing down at them. Soviet Generals walks on the Decimated Reichstag! Parade in Moscow to the victory over "The Third Reich" :) The White Minority, 57,000 Germanics are marched through Moscow. A real Monkey show! The Reichstag being conquered by the Slavs. Let this picture show the world not to mess with us. Imperial Russia. Russian army in Plevna, the Liberation of Bulgaria from the vile hands of the Mongoloid Turk. T-90 Battletank. There goes the neighborhood!! |